Nov 30, 2017


Banner image : 1996 - Dipping kayaks along the LaHave at Cook's Falls, photo by Tom Rogers

Its a Wrap

I hope you have enjoyed reading our project. It was a pleasure to assemble all the pieces and learn all kinds of things about the place I call home.

A big thank you to the South Shore Public Library for providing space for the final home. This format is a template they hope to make available to other community groups wishing to share their story.

And as you can see in the Acknowledgements, the support was tremendous.

Three people deserve a special shout-out -- Lana Veinotte for her knowledge of the local area, Duane Porter at the Halifax & SouthWestern Railway Museum (HSRM) for his photos and support and Paul Harmon who's support and images were the backbone of this project. Thank you.

The LaHave River Valley has been an important corridor for 1,000s of years. Our brief glimpse of the last 150 shows how people have lived and how it has changed.

What will the next 150 bring?

Tom Rogers - LaHave River Trail Association

Questions ... comments ... suggestions???

Please send them through our Facebook Page or the Contact Form on our website

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The LaHave River Trail Association is building a multi-use trail from Bridgewater to New Germany largely using the abandoned rail corridor